Artificial Intelligence and Art: Redefining boundaries of creativity will be held on 12th September 2023, at Zheijiang University in Hangzhou, China (room 305) and online at
In an era where technology and innovation are reshaping the way we perceive, create, and experience art, this gathering serves as a nexus for the curious, the visionaries, and the pioneers. We will embark on a captivating journey into the symbiotic relationship between AI and artistry. We will explore how machine learning algorithms are challenging conventional notions of artistic expression, raising profound questions about authorship, authenticity, and the role of the human creator. From AI-generated masterpieces that challenge our understanding of originality to the integration of technology as a canvas for new forms of artistic exploration, this conference pursues to be a vibrant tapestry of insights, creativity, and innovation. This workshop is a satellite event of ZJULogAI2023 taking place at Zhejiang University from 12th September 2023. The workshop will be organised in hybrid mode, with all online talks scheduled in the same session or day.

List of Topics

Topics include, but are not limited to the following:
  • AI-Generated Art: Exploring the capabilities of AI algorithms in creating visual artworks, music compositions, and literature.
  • Ethics and Authorship: Discussing the ethical implications of AI-generated art, including questions about who owns the art and who should be credited as the creator.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Examining how artists are collaborating with AI systems to enhance their creative processes and push the boundaries of their work.
  • AI as a Creative Muse: Investigating how AI technologies can inspire and influence human creativity in various art forms.
  • AI in Art Curation and Critique: Analyzing the use of AI in curating art collections, recommending art to audiences, and critiquing artworks.
  • AI-Enhanced Art Restoration: Discussing how AI is being used to restore and preserve artistic masterpieces.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality (AR) : Exploring how AI and AR technologies are merging to create immersive and interactive art experiences.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) : A deep dive into GANs and their role in generating realistic and imaginative art.
  • AI-Driven Art Market: Investigating how AI is impacting the art market, including pricing, authentication, and sales.
  • AI and Art Education: Exploring how AI is integrated into art education, both as a creative tool and a subject of study.
  • AI in Film and Animation: Examining how AI is used in the creation of special effects, animation, and storytelling in the film industry.
  • AI-Driven Art Therapy: Discussing the potential therapeutic uses of AI-generated art in mental health and well-being.
  • AI and Cultural Preservation: Examining how AI is helping to preserve and digitize cultural heritage, including archaeological sites and artifacts.
  • Bias and Diversity in AI-Generated Art: Discussing issues related to bias in AI algorithms and the need for diverse perspectives in AI-generated art.
  • AI-Generated Music and Soundscapes: Exploring the role of AI in music composition, sound design, and audiovisual experiences.
  • AI and Virtual Reality (VR): Investigating how AI technologies are influencing the creation of immersive VR art installations.
  • AI and Art History: Analyzing how AI is being used to study and analyze art history, including style analysis and artist attribution.