
Online Summer Course




2022年8月17日、19日、22日、24日 16:30-18:30(北京时间)


Lecture 1. Lessons for the methodology of science from the replication crisis

Lecture 2. Group knowledge and belief

Lecture 3. Evidence, justification, and knowledge

Lecture 4. Science and knowledge

伯德教授(Alexander Bird)是一位当代知名的哲学家,现任剑桥大学哲学教授,曾任爱丁堡大学的哲学系主任。伯德教授主要关注知识论、形而上学、科学哲学,并长期深耕于这三个领域的交叉议题,此外对应用伦理学等问题亦有所涉及。迄今为止,他发表的论文已达百余篇,出版的专著也影响甚远,特别是被翻译到中文的《科学哲学是什么》(贾玉树、荣小雪译),是许多人接触科学哲学的入门读物。












Time:2022年8月30日-31日,9月1日-2日 16:30-18:30(北京时间)


With artificial minds becoming ever more sophisticated, many have sought to identify some special feature of human cognition that separates us from AI. This lecture series explores four candidates: conscience, comprehension, creativity and consciousness. For each special feature, best rolex replica we will consider what conditions a mind must meet to possess that feature, whether an artificial mind could plausibly meet those conditions, and whether we should be confident that we meet those conditions ourselves.


托马斯·麦克兰德(Thomas McClelland),2012年获苏克赛斯大学哲学博士,2019年起任剑桥大学哲学讲师。麦克兰德博士的研究领域涵盖心智哲学、心理学、意识的形而上学、美学和商业伦理学,已出版专著《What is Philosophy of Mind?》并在Mind、Philosophical Studies等国际一流哲学期刊上发表论文二十余篇。











Previous courses:

Course Introduction

For the course of Logic in AI (course number: 0413153001) in 2021, we again invite 3 professors with different expertise coming from different countries to give us several lectures. Students who select this course not only can attend the lectures, but also can work on their interested research topics with the professor they choose. We also welcome people from other departments/faculties with WEAK logic background to listen to the lectures. The aim of the course is to enrich the knowledge we can provide from the course and enable more academic collaboration between China and other countries even during pandemic. Please find the information for the course below.


Part 1: Classical Logic and Modal Logic


Lecturer: Prof. John-Jules Meyer (Utrecht University from the Netherland)





In September I will have an introduction to classical logic (propositional and predicate logic).  truth tables, models, tautologies, contradictions, valid arguments, axiom systems and if time permits natural deduction and sequent calculus. In October I will have an introduction to modal logic and deontic logic in particular. If time permits, we will also look at epistemic logic. Kripke models, axiom systems, various kinds of modal logic, monadic deontic logic, dyadic deontic logic, input/output logic.


book: The Essence of Logic by John Kelly.

– Kelly, John Joseph. The essence of logic. Pearson Education India, 1997.

– Parent, Xavier, and Leon van der Torre. Introduction to deontic logic and normative systems. College Publications, 2018.



Part 2: Decision Theory

Lecturer: Dr. Yang Liu (University of Cambridge, UK)


Title: Subjective Expected Utility

Abstract:Bayesian subjectivist theories/techniques have increasingly become mainstream in various fronts of scientific research. The main ideas of this approach originated from pioneers like Frank Ramsey, Bruno de Finetti, Jimmy Savage, among others. Despite its long history, in the philosophical literature, there does seem to have been a systematic account of this development, broadly known as Bayesian/subjectivist theory of expected utility. It is therefore the goal of this class to provide a guided introduction to subjective expected utility with emphases on both mathematical details and philosophical issues involved.



Part 3: Graph Theory

Lecturer: Dr. Zachiri McKenzie (Zhejiang University from China)


By providing an abstract model of networks and relationships that arise in real-world problems, graph theory has emerged as an important bridge between mathematics and computer science. Graph theory problems, including the problem of determining if a graph is Hamiltonian and the problem of determining a graph’s tree width, are ubiquitous amongst the known examples of NP-complete problems. The question of whether or not there is an efficient algorithm that determines whether two finite graphs are isomorphic is one of the most important questions in complexity theory. This short course aims to introduce students to graph theory and begin to build the mathematical foundation that is necessary for understanding the problems that lie at the heart of theoretical computer science. The course will begin by introducing the abstract definition of a graph and important notions related to graphs such as degrees, paths and cycles. Later lectures will cover topics including graph connectivity and matchings, extremal graph theory, colorings and, if time permits, Ramsey’s Theorem. The focus of this course will be the mathematical study of graphs and students will also develop their ability to understand and construct formal arguments, and communicate mathematical concepts.


Bollobás, Béla. Graph theory: an introductory course. Vol. 63. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.



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